Where serenity breaks and builds .

Letting You Run Wild

I could not stop as they talked
About traditional rice varieties
Predominantly sold at Marabucchandhai
Food items, exotic grains to my ears
But to you I am sure you would love
All of them naturally
Somehow I assumed so
Letting you run wild
In the landscapes
Of my imagination
Where I fancied
Our little home
Overlooking a rose garden
Lots of marigolds blooming gold 
Fecund banana plantation
Guava incensed alleys
Oh my god and what not!
We would cross them all merrily
Arm in arm, laughing, chattering
Running to and fro
Our daily business
In the early morn
Prepped to leave
Lock the house and keep the keys
One for each
And busily rush outdoors
Taking our bottles and bags
Laptop cases and lunch boxes
Until in the evening
We would meet
For a cup of tea
With fresh biscuits
At the lawn we would eat
Sitting on the floral carpet
Butterflies in orange and lime green
Would encircling us play tag and tag
And you would look into my eyes
And say without saying
That you love me.


About Me

With my pen at Hyderabad, I have had multiple fictitious affairs and riotous adventures. So many scandalous experimental poems based on experiences testify that. What I love doing eternally is to prettify something that either should exceedingly attract or distract me. If one of my muses is reading this, thankyou for existing.


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