Where serenity breaks and builds .

“Much to Me He Talks…”

I could not hold my mouth
So I spilled your merry name
Since my brother was not fore
To my mother, blushing galore
As we talked about you
After a month or so
Before lying abed,
“How well he has changed!”
She pulled my leg stressing
Jocularly not to continue
Any further exchanges
With you, ” when he did that…”
“Nah stop Ma, it’s okay…!”
” I have forgotten all that
When I yelled at him maddened last
He uttered not a syllable harsh
So I am as cool as a cucumber
Thinking about him now”
Mother delights herself
Only to catch my face
Absurdly protest
Transiently enjoyed
Then smiling, I ended;
“So I am…it’s good now between us”
Then she asked
Furrowing her brow-
” Is he single?”
And I replied yes
Like an idiot
” How, it’s quite surprising to me” she shot
A sideward grinning glimpse
To note how my countenance shrinking bloomed
” Yeah, he is because , I don’t know why,
Much to me he talks…
Besides, he is lone the most
I am back as friends with him
I brooded over happily
Blushing, recollecting
The conversation before bed
Lying abed
Missing thee.


About Me

With my pen at Hyderabad, I have had multiple fictitious affairs and riotous adventures. So many scandalous experimental poems based on experiences testify that. What I love doing eternally is to prettify something that either should exceedingly attract or distract me. If one of my muses is reading this, thankyou for existing.


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